Donnerstag, 5. Mai 2011


when looking for outfits to style an advertising shoot, we came across a wonderful little place in zurich's schipfe area we just had to tell you about. we first caught a glimpse of beautiful old luggage and a wall, packed with colourful scarves when we discovered it was a vintage store. we were already in a hurry but too curious to pass by. thank god!

we met a passionate collector, surrounded by the most beautiful and sometimes delicate vintage pieces.

originally an educated interior decorator, stephan schmidt turned his passion for collecting into a part time job by opening a store in september 2010. In the beginning, the range of goods was only a result of his strolling through fleamarkets - nowadays he's also selling pieces, people bring over: hats, shirts, ties, bags, purses, pottery, lighters, poket knives and even stuffed animals.
vagabunt is a magnet, not only for collectors like schmidt himself, but also for people with a taste for the certain something, with a sense of style and especially young graphic designers and hipsters. if you're looking for an old leathery briefcase, this is the place to go to.

of course a collector has certain things he would never ever give away. for stephan schmidt, one of those is the seagull on his desk. it stands for the start of vagabunt and for zurich, the place of his work and being.

for more information go to


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